New York Times Warning: Trust Authorities on Boston Bombing, or You’re Nuts By Russ Baker on May 31, 2013…

New York Times Warning: Trust Authorities on Boston Bombing, or You’re Nuts
By Russ Baker on May 31, 2013

Like most of the corporate media, the New York Times has been largely AWOL from investigations of disturbing events like the Boston bombing, 9/11, and Bush’s misleading the public into war. But it’s right out there on the front lines fighting against those who ask questions.. And the fighting is dirty.

A huge story can set off alarm bells everywhere, but somehow, with ever increasing frequency, we note the silence of the mainstream media. Having avoided doing its job, it then protects its flank by denigrating those who call for inquiries.

This Is Your Brain on CT

A recent example is this Times article: “Why Rational People Buy Into Conspiracy Theories.” It is illustrated with a Victorian diagram of the brain, updated to show the conspiracy theorist’s brain–with a flying saucer inside. The message is unmistakable: if you believe in any conspiracy (i.e., organized but deliberately hidden effort or operation) at all, you also believe in flying saucers carrying little green men.

The article reinforces this implication.

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