Words of Freedom Welcomes Tim Boyle, Colorado 9-11 Visibility

This week, Words of Freedom host Michael Wolsey welcomes Tim Boyle, 9-11 activist and co-founding member of Colorado 9-11 Visibility. Tim has been active in the Denver area since 2004 and has been an integral part of the 9-11 Truth Movement in Colorado. Tim has organized several large 9-11 events in Colorado and has traveled the country seeking answers to the questions of 9-11.

Words of Freedom airs on KRFC 88.9 FM in Fort Collins Colorado and is heard worldwide on the web at krfcfm.org every Monday evening at 5:30 p.m. Mountain Time. Michael Wolsey is the host of Visibility 9-11, the podcast dedicated to exposing the fraud of the official story of September 11th, 2001 and along with George Flynn, co-hosts the weekly Words of Freedom broadcast on KRFC.

Direct download: WOF_colorado911visibility.mp3

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