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Newly Released Memo: Government ‘Minders’ at 9/11 Commission Interviews ‘Intimidated’ Witnesses – Kevin Fenton

9/11 Commission Memo entitled “Executive Branch Minders’ Intimidation of Witnesses,” complains that:

* Minders “answer[ed] questions directed at witnesses;”

* Minders acted as “monitors, reporting to their respective agencies on Commission staffs lines of inquiry and witnesses’ verbatim responses.” The staff thought this “conveys to witnesses that their superiors will review their statements and may engage in retribution;” and

* Minders “positioned themselves physically and have conducted themselves in a manner that we believe intimidates witnesses from giving full and candid responses to our questions.”

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Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Durango Activist Judith Pfief

This broadcast features an interview with Judith Pfeif of Durango Colorado.  Judith recently filed a lawsuit against the local paper, The Durango Herald, for refusing to publish alternative’s to the government’s conspiracy theory despite repeated efforts for fair and balanced reporting by citizens of Durango.  Judith’s court date is June 1st, 2006 in Durango Colorado.  You can contact Judith via email at

Direct download: visibility911_5-20-06.mp3

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