Visibility 9-11 Welcomes John Albanese

This week, Visibility 9-11 visits the topic of COINTELPRO in the 2nd part of a new series on issues facing the 9-11 Truth Movement.  “Left gatekeepers”, dis-information specialists, agent provocateurs, and internet “trolls” all work to distract and/or discredit the fine work of literally thousands of good and caring Americans involved in 9-11 Truth.  It is important to recognize the history of things our government has done which has violated every tenet of a free society.

This broadcast features an interview with New York 9-11 activist and documentary film maker John Albanese, producer of  Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime and the soon to be released Disinformation in the Information Age, due out February 19, 2007.  Topics include disinformation, the unconstitutionality of COINTELPRO activities by the government, and specific individuals, who by their own actions and deeds, make them suspect of dubious intent.  You can also check out John’s website by clicking here, where you can also find contact information to get in touch with John.

Counter Intelligence Programs, or COINTELPRO, is one more example of the federal governments’ raping of our rights.  These abuses were going on during the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, and though they were prohibited by the Church Committee regulations, they have not ceased.   They are alive and well within political groups which would seek to bring about truth, justice and accountability to our government.  9-11 Truth is no exception and activists need to educate themselves on the “dirty little tricks” our government uses against our rights to free speech and association.  Only then, can we learn to recognize, and then address the attempts which would tear down all of our hard work.

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From the Podcast Archive

9-11; Historical Precedence

This week Michael covers the historical precedence of a 9-11 style,  false flag terror event in America.  Using the PowerPoint presentation he prepared for their

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