Why are the ASCE Journals being dishonest and misleading concerning how the WTC Towers collapsed?

As shown in an earlier post by Richard Johns, there is a new letter on the Journal of 911 Studies which describes dishonest and unethical behavior by the Journal of Engineering Mechanics and its parent organization, the ASCE Journals and their Board of Governors, regarding their refusal to correct a clearly dishonest and fraudulent paper they published concerning the collapse of the WTC Towers in January 2011.
The letter can be found here http://www.journalof911studies.com/resources/Szamboti-and-Johns-Letter.pdf
This stonewalling behavior is similar to that observed of the NIST Director when confronted earlier this year with evidence that the NIST WTC 7 report omitted pertinent structural features from its analysis which would have made impossible the collapse initiation hypothesis presented in the report. See the December 2013 letter by attorney William Pepper to the Dept. of Commerce Inspector General on this issue here
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Words of Freedom

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