The Pentagon Event – The Honegger Hypothesis Refuted

Announcing a new paper, “The Pentagon Event: The Honegger Hypothesis Refuted,” by Victoria Ashley, David Chandler, Jonathan H. Cole, James Hoffman, Ken Jenkins, Frank Legge, and John D. Wyndham.

The paper can be found here.

Honegger’s hypothesis is that no plane impacted the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, and that pre-planted explosives caused all the deaths and damage. Honegger also postulates that a large “white” plane was destroyed outside the Pentagon west wall without causing any damage to the wall.

The authors of the above paper refute Honegger’s hypothesis and show that the physical, eyewitness, radar, and FDR data, plus other data, all support impact by a large silver plane, a Boeing 757, and most probably American Airlines Flight 77, as the main cause of all the deaths and damage.

John Wyndham

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9-11; Historical Precedence

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