Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Jon Gold

Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Jon Gold
Interview by John Bursill

This week on Visibility 9-11 we have Jon Gold, a long-time 9/11 truth activist who is currently building bridges between the 9/11 truth movement and the peace movement. Jon talks about two very important and groundbreaking events that he is participating in March. The details are below.

Treason in America: 9/11, The Wars & Our Broken Constitution Conference
Valley Forge Convention Center
March 6 & 7th

This event brings together peace activists, whistleblowers, alternative media and 9/11 truth advocates to a conference discussing the issues and problems produced by the 9/11 attacks and cover-up. Jon will be the MC at this event and the speakers include Richard Gage AIA, Cindy Sheehan, Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer, Bob McIlvaine, Daniel Sunjata and Luke Rudkowski just to name a few! Neither left nor right, this gathering is truly groundbreaking.

Please support this event, see details here:

Peace of the Action
Washington DC
Washington Memorial March 13th of March
Direct Acts of Resistance Begin on March 22nd

The bold plan to stop the Masters of War by bringing their system to its knees by peaceful resistance might just work! If Gandhi could do it so can Sheehan with our help and determination. Why not get a peace of this action yourself?

See details here:
Cindy Sheehan on 9/11 truth:

Jon will speaking about 9/11 at the Peace of the Action events.

At the end of the show we discuss good methods for reaching out to people who ordinarily wouldn’t be open to 9/11 truth. It should be noted that Jon is considered controversial by some in the 9/11 truth movement because of his very critical approach to the evidence of the crimes of 9/11. Jon prefers to stick to the facts that “speak for themselves” and Jon is not a promoter of the controlled demolition hypothesis. I and a great many others would agree that being careful with evidence is a must, although we would strongly argue that the destruction of WTC 7 does “speak for itself”; screaming out “Controlled Demolition!”. But as Jon likes to remind us, the advocacy of any particular hypothesis is not a prerequisite for being a 9/11 truth activist.

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